Labor trying to play catch up on dairy

Federal Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie said working with Maitland Council we will deliver ‘must do projects’ for the Largs and Bolwarra communities providing improved connectivity, a safer journey for students and much needed park and recreation upgrades. 

“These are important projects the local community identified in our Vision 2030 Plan Survey and I’m delighted the Federal Government has been able to contribute to the revitalisation.”

Mayor Loretta Baker welcomed the funding announcement and said many amazing projects like this one today will be delivered over the next 12 months thanks to the Federal Governments Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

Pedestrian Refuge and Footpath, Paterson Road.jpg

Bolwarra Park and Recreation Upgrade

The works will include:

·         New Toilet Block and the demolition of existing facility

·         Reseal car park and upgrade entry

·         Provide Family Shelter & BBQ and improvement of existing shelters

·         Signage and Fencing

·         Pathway and Landscape upgrades and play space with different play opportunities.

Pedestrian Refuge and Footpath, Paterson Road (170m)

These upgrades will ensure safe connectivity for residents on the western side of Paterson Road to be able to walk over and enjoy the improved Bolwarra Lookout.

Dr Gillespie said Bolwarra lookout is a wonderful community space which is utilised by many families and local groups, like Opal aged care, these upgrades will ensure the community now has the facilities it has long been calling for.

“This will provide the perfect facility for local families to gather together enjoy the amazing views and a safe fun place for children to play,” Dr Gillespie said.