Dr GILLESPIE (Lyne) (13:56): I rise to inform the House that former Great Lakes Council mayor Councillor Jan McWilliams has today announced her resignation from MidCoast Council, ending an impressive 26 years of service to our region. Councillor McWilliams was first elected to Great Lakes Council in 1995 and was elected deputy mayor in 2002 and mayor in 2008. She continued in that role for eight years, until the formation of MidCoast Council.
Jan lists many highlights through her years, which are really impressive: the Tuncurry skate park development; the Tuncurry Hawks football ground grandstand and lighting; the oyster festival; the 2000 Olympic relay; her work on police and crime prevention committees; and the planning for future improvements at Main Beach and Memorial Drive boardwalk along Wallis Lake. During her service, Councillor McWilliams has been honoured three times: she received the Women in Local Government award and the Emeritus Mayor award and was recognised by the New South Wales Premier and the local government association for 25 years service.
I've spoken this morning to Jan and personally thanked her for her service. I know she will continue her work with many of the clubs and organisations she has worked with in the last 26 years. Councillor Jan McWilliams loves her community, and her impressive election record demonstrates that her community love her and appreciate her work. She has been ably supported by Dennis, her husband, throughout her political career.