I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone across our local community to celebrate Australia Day this Sunday January 26th.
Australia Day is a time that we celebrate our great nation and the many things we enjoy that make us the lucky country.
We are a nation that brings together an Indigenous heritage and migrants that have come here from right around the world, helping to build the wonderful nation we live in today.
Many of our local councils and community organisations have organised events to mark Australia Day.
We all come from different walks of life have a broad heritage and on Australia Day, many families, friends, and neighbours will come together with a chance to spend time enjoying a barbeque, with some backyard cricket, maybe a swim or surf at the beach, or a walk through the beautiful coastal hinterland walking trails and celebrating the great nation we live in.
For many proud migrants who have walked the path and are now realising their dream of becoming an Australian citizen, Australia Day is a memorable day of celebrations in that journey.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the various councils which will be holding citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day.
I wish you all a happy Australia Day
Citizenship ceremonies/Australia Day events across the Lyne electorate are as follows:
Port Stephens Council: January 26th, 8am-2pm, Riverside Rotunda, Riverside Waterfront, Raymond Terrace ,9.30am -3.45 pm, Fly Point Amphitheatre, Fly Point Park, Nelson Bay,8am-4pm Henderson Park ,Lemon Tree Passage, Karuah RSL 10am to midnight
Maitland City Council: January 26th, 10.30am, Maitland Town Hall Auditorium
Dungog Shire Council: January 26th, 9am: James Theatre
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council: January 26th, 9am, The Observatory
Councils and community organisations have also organised a range of Australia Day activities in the Lyne electorate.