Example Nominations
The following examples have been put together to help those making a nomination identify the sort of information that makes a good nomination. The judges' decisions are based solely on the information contained in the nomination and therefore it is vital to make sure that the information put together gives the best chance of success.
Example 1
Volunteering Achievements and Main Activities:
Amy has been a regular volunteer on the Popondetta project (a weekly youth group for young adults with learning disabilities) and this year has taken over the running of the group. She has single-handedly increased the number of activities that the group do, enabling members to partake in activities they would not have normally been able to, and has also been instrumental in attracting new members to the group. Her drive and enthusiasm has also led to her thinking of ways to help the group eat more healthily. Her work with the project allows parents and carers to have an evening off, which really helps revitalise them, whilst giving members of the project opportunities that would never normally come their way, such as visiting a fire station or going to a pantomime. Amy also regularly volunteers at the local hospitals, helping out around the wards and spending time with patients, allowing the medical staff to concentrate on more urgent matters. In addition to this she also mentors a second year student enabling them to have the best possible chance of getting a first class degree. Overall she is a remarkable person!
How has the Nominee’s activities contributed to the community/Why the Nominee is worthy of the Award:
Amy's work with the youth club dramatically enhances the lives of the groups' members. Parents mention how much it has brought their children out of themselves, giving them an abundance of confidence, and self-esteem which was lacking before the group began. The members are also made to feel special and the environment at the group is one in which nobody sees any disability, rather with Amy's help, time and effort it's a place where friends meet. The group also gives the parents/carers much valued time off, enabling them to have time to themselves, and the value of this can never be underestimated. By finding new ways of introducing fruit into the diets of members, the club has been able to help (rather than hinder) the often pressing weight issues that the members are faced with, which will really be an aid to them in the long run, as they start to appreciate that healthy food can be nice! With her work with the hospital, her time, patience and selflessness emanates and really makes those patients she meets feel valued, and not a burden, whilst allowing the medical staff's valuable time to be put to the best possible use. Finally her mentoring of a fellow student has enabled the student to devote themselves in the best possible way to their degree, and will surely enhance their overall grade. Overall, Amy's selfless nature and her kind and caring instincts shine through to everything she does.
Example 2
Volunteering Achievements and Main Activities:
James is Vice-Chairman of the Westcott Good Neighbours Group and takes a leading role in the Group’s Communications Group, which arranges events throughout the year that make a very positive and tangible impact on Westcott community. Westcott is a community where many residents struggle financially and without the work of this group many events just would not happen. For example, he almost single-handedly arranges ‘Christmas in Westcott’ in which the Westcott Christmas lights are officially switched on, school children entertain the local community by singing Christmas Carols, mince pies and ‘non-alcoholic’ mulled wine is served and our student volunteers always love volunteering at this event (James is an excellent volunteer manager also). Around 200 people attend this event each year. James took a lead role in the ‘Look after Westcott’ steering group that was set up to improve community relations in the area between all residents. He acted as treasurer for the group and was responsible for successful grant applications from the Town Council and other funding bodies. James played a key role in developing 'Look after Westcott's' community projects, such as contacting businesses to receive funding for the Christmas lights, setting up the website and a Facebook page, contacting community stakeholders and drafting the marketing literature. As well as taking a lead role, James is also very happy to take part in the 'smaller tasks' such as litter picks (as I have been witness to this). James is a very active governor at one of the local Primary Schools, where he used his professional training as a Health and Safety co-ordinator to assist in the design of the new adventure playground. Furthermore it was James that instigated the relationship between the school and the local college’s volunteering programme to encourage students to volunteer at the school. James has also been involved with his church in setting up premises for homeless people.
How has the Nominee’s activities contributed to the community/Why the Nominee is worthy of the Award:
James is a long standing and highly motivated local volunteer with a drive and capacity to help and support other organisations and local formal and informal groups. James’s commitment to the local community and tenacious approach can be rarely found in others. He is also an excellent motivator, encouraging other residents to get involved. He is the member of several local groups too numerous to mention, and always takes a very active role. James is a highly respected and trusted member within the local community; reliable, hardworking and is also always very friendly and approachable. He always remains calm and never gets ruffled, and everyone thoroughly enjoys working/volunteering alongside James. James instils and demonstrates what civic pride is. He is always willing to help and take part in anything that will improve Westcott. James is a linchpin in Westcott and his personal commitment to the area is obvious. He is always coming up with new ideas, communicates with everyone involved and works hard to make things happen! Without James’s tenacity, drive and selfless commitment the area would be bereft of many community activities, events and improvements. In the words of Fred Alexander from the Town Council: 'I wish we had several James Philbys everywhere!' Alex Ashworth, Chairman of Westcott Good Neighbours Group says he is very pleased to commend James for this award; and Diane Smith, another active member within Westcott says: ‘James deserves the recognition’. Len Brown, a local resident also says: “An award [for James] would be very welcome. He is terribly busy at the moment with church activities as well as having four young children but is still heavily involved volunteering within the local community. This award would recognise James's community work in Westcott as well as the many activities of the Good Neighbours Group.